
Member Forums

The Forum is a benefit available only for AADMM members, allowing them to communicate with each other about issues of concern and items of interest in the daily money management profession. By participating in the Forum, members can post questions and receive feedback from their colleagues.

Restrictions and Disclaimer

Marketing related posts intended to advertise a member’s own services, products or events are not permitted. AADMM prohibits any commercial solicitation on the forum. Any individual who sends information aimed at selling a product or service will be removed from the forum.

AADMM is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any of the messages transmitted. By using this Forum, users agree to hold AADMM harmless and to exercise due care and common sense in using any information obtained through this service. Although the AADMM supports freedom of speech and the free exchange of information, it cautions users to act responsibly and respect the rights of others

Please log in to view the archived AADMM Forums.

Tips for Forum Participation:

  • Whether posting a question or replying, your name and a phone number or email address should be included at the bottom of each message.
  • Any reply to a forum message is sent to everyone who elected to be notified on updates to the conversation. If you wish to reply privately to an individual, please email them directly.
  • When posting a question, make a reference to the specific topic in the subject. Don’t start a new topic as part of a reply to a previous topic.
  • Keep responses concise. If someone mentions they are willing to share an item, contact them personally to receive a copy.
  • Don’t post copyrighted information.