Zip Code Search for DMM does not work

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    Hi – Does anyone else have problems searching for a DMM using the zip code feature?

    Find a DMM

    For example, I am a DMM and my zip is 66207.

    When I enter 66207 into the zip search, no results are found.

    Any suggestions?

    Lynne Edwards

    Todd, I just checked and found myself (and others) with zip code search — but not you. Have you completed a Directory Entry? I recall thinking it was cumbersome to have multiple profiles, but I think that may be the problem for you (and others who don’t show up in zip code searches.


    Todd – we are looking into why you aren’t showing up.


    I’m getting calls from potential clients 400 miles south of my zip code who tell me that my name came up when they searched using their far southern zip code.


    Caitlin – The zip code search for me works now, thanks to you or whoever fixed it!


    Glad to hear that Todd! Bruce – do you know if they put a limitation on the search area?

    Catherine Krein

    I could not get the zip code search to work for me either.


    I just tried searching by zip code and found out that I do not show up in a zip code search as well.

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